Alzheimer’s and diet
The number of people in the world suffering from dementia has soared above 40 million, and cases of Alzheimer’s are becoming increasingly more widespread.
In addition to other factors, it seems like our diets have a highly significant role in the development of this disease, especially with regard to the consumption of high-fat dairy products, meats and sugars.
In countries like the United States, the risk of getting Alzheimer’s is 4% in every person, because of the large quantity of meat eaten in Western diets. Conversely, in Eastern countries where they consume almost no meat, the risk of contracting this disease is 50% lower.
So, what should we change in our diets to minimize risk?
Apart from reducing our intake of sugars, fats and meats (if not eliminating them), there are foods that can be beneficial if we add them to our diets. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and low-fat dairy products are all associated with a lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s.
We can also include these foods in our diets:
Sage infusions: Sage has many benefits, but recent studies have shown that consuming it improves the memory and can even minimize Alzheimer’s. Rosemary also has these properties.
Nuts: we have already told you about the benefits of walnuts, but nuts in general are rich in phosphorous, which helps to maintain an active memory.
Ginger: This plant has numerous benefits for our health, and it can be consumed both in infusions and salads.
Brewer’s yeast: it is rich in vitamin B1 that acts on the nervous system and improves intellectual performance.
Red fruits: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries… all strengthen the memory, due to the fact that their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds retard cognitive deterioration that occurs with aging.
Ginkgo biloba: it is a plant that contributes to normal intellectual performance and decreases tiredness and fatigue, since it is rich in vitamins B5, B6 and B12.
But it is not all down to food, keeping an active mind is very important for your memory to function correctly. Reading, doing mental exercises, talking to yourself, doing diagrams, lists or relations of ideas are also some ways of facilitating memory functions.