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The importance of caring for our joints goes beyond whether or not we play sports. Anyone can experience joint pain. It could appear due to our jobs, our age, the sport we play or simply our genes, but it should be taken seriously, especially in the cold weather. We therefore have some tips for you, […]

A kilo here, another one there, and suddenly your clothes don’t fit and jokes about your fat stomach are starting to bother you. Getting older goes with gaining weight, even when you are sticking to a healthy diet. A sedentary lifestyle, social factors, hormonal imbalance, medication and genetic factors can all play a part. But […]

With the change of season or at times of stress, many people suffer from rashes or other scalp conditions that can cause itchiness and dandruff. The problem is that we often don’t know any effective remedies to treat these conditions and we apply treatment that is probably not a long term solution (for example; anti-dandruff […]

In a previous post, we spoke about the new diseases or diseases 2.0, diseases that have begun to appear due to the excessive use of technology. And today we’re bringing you another one: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity. This condition has existed for some time but is now increasing due to the use of Wi-Fi routers and mobile […]

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.