El té verde es un verdadero regalo de la naturaleza que nos aporta muchos beneficios, por eso ha sido utilizado en la medicina tradicional a lo largo de la historia. Estudios recientes han demostrado que beber infusiones o tomar suplementos de té verde de forma diaria, es un complemento natural que ayuda a nuestro cuerpo […]

Water is essential to the human body: it helps regulate our body temperature, keep the skin moisturized and supple, lubricate joints and organs, and have good digestion. We cannot let our bodies suffer from dehydration, although we should not overdo it either. We should be aware of the amounts and processes involved in drinking water […]

Yesterday was International Day of Happiness, and we thought this would be the perfect time to review the foods that help improve our state of mind. Being in a good mood actually makes absolutely everything in our body work better: it favors our capacity to think and to learn and our creativity, and stimulates optimism […]

Soy, originating from north and central China, has been and continues to be a millennia-old food of Eastern peoples. It is considered one of the five sacred seeds, along with rice, wheat, barley and millet. The nutritional value of soy-based products is due to the quantity and quality of its nutrients, which are assimilable and […]

After a hard day’s work, running from one place to the other, taking care the kids, etc. or simply because you need it and it’s good for your daily life, today we’re going to give you some relaxation techniques you can do at home that will help you sleep and rest a lot of better. […]

Vamos a trabajar y estamos con el ordenador. Hacemos alguna consulta y miramos el móvil, vamos a casa y estamos delante del televisor. Móvil, ordenador, tablet, televisión, consola y no paramos de contar con cachivaches y nuevas tecnologías con las que estamos en contacto día sí y día también. Y esto puede acabar pasando factura […]