In our modern times, a very high percentage of adults -both men and women- suffer from pain and discomfort in their legs, although it is more common among women, due to hormonal problems caused by menstruation, menopause and other factors. Lack of exercise, unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles, obesity, hereditary factors and periods of hormonal changes […]

Digestive problems are very frequent in our society due to a slew of factors, including our diets and nervous system disorders. The modern lifestyle and personal habits lead us to eat quickly and to eat a higher number of fatty foods that simply do not help us digest our food well. At other times, people […]

Or at least if you do it too, you’ll be a bit smarter. We all know the numerous benefits of exercising: it reduces stress, depression, anger and frustration levels… In fact, increasingly more people do some type of sport to forget about their day-to-day problems and their jobs or seek relief when they are fed […]

Doctors’ prescriptions should be for treatments like Shirin-Yoku, a Japanese technique that consists of letting nature pervade our five senses. Yes, something as simple as walking in a forest can be the best medicine for many of our woes. The thing is, with karoshi on the rise in Japan (death from overworking), more and more […]

Springtime started on Monday and, along with the good weather, sun and increasingly longer days, asthenia is also on its way. Although some people believe asthenia is a disease, doctors ensure us that this is not so, and instead is simply the way our bodies adapt to the change of season and more daylight and […]