La piel de un bebé es muy sensible y todavía más cuando llega el verano, el calor, el sol -mucho sol- y las altas temperaturas. Si nosotros ya nos sofocamos y llegamos a agobiarnos en algunas situaciones, a ellos les pasa lo mismo. Por eso debemos tener en cuenta que hay que evitar exponerlos al […]

Lactose is the sugar in milk, present in some prepared foods and in all mammal milk that we consume: cow, sheep, goat and even human. In our small intestine we have an enzyme called lactose, which plays an important role in the body when we ingest foods with lactose, as it is responsible for separating […]

The good weather is starting and we eagerly await summer so we can sunbathe and show off our body beautiful at the beach or at the pool. But with this also comes the rush to offload what we have been hiding under our long pants all winter. Whether it is because we work sitting down […]

Increasingly more people suffer from the Dory effect and at an increasingly earlier age. Careless oversights that occur at an increasingly greater frequency: one day it is your keys, another your cell phone, the next something that you had to do. And suddenly we find ourselves living surrounded by thousands of alarms or post-its reminding […]

The psychologist Kelly McGonigal has exceeded 10 million views on the well-known talk platform, TED, with the video “How to make stress your friend”. And in truth, we have always known that stress is harmful to our body in many ways, but we rarely find a long-lasting solution. In her talk, this psychologist tells us […]

Excess weight is common in a society such as our own where a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle is prevalent (insufficient consumption of fruit and vegetables, fast food, a fat-rich diet, lack of outdoor activities and too much time spent at the computer, etc.). The logical solution is to maintain a suitable diet and do […]


Ha llegado la primavera y como afirma el dicho, la sangre altera. Por eso hoy hablamos de la importancia de cuidar también nuestra sangre, cuál es su función y cómo afecta a nuestro organismo. Muchos podéis pensar que es una tontería porque evidentemente la sangre es indispensable para nuestra supervivencia, pero lo que muchos no […]

Pues si, dormir bien es el secreto de belleza mejor guardado. Muchas famosas lo afirman, modelos, cantantes o actrices son algunas de las que lo han reconocido, y si lo ponía en práctica la bella durmiente, por algo será.  Descansar y dormir bien ayuda a nuestra piel a que se recupere de las agresiones y […]

Soy, originating from north and central China, has been and continues to be a millennia-old food of Eastern peoples. It is considered one of the five sacred seeds, along with rice, wheat, barley and millet. The nutritional value of soy-based products is due to the quantity and quality of its nutrients, which are assimilable and […]

Pues es verdad, no es fácil, pero hay formas de conseguir que esta etapa de la menopausia, con sus cambios y sus síntomas, sea más llevadera por la mujer adulta. Ya que es una etapa por la que al final todas las mujeres, llegada una cierta edad, debemos pasar y es un proceso más de […]