Trick or treat? Properties and benefits of pumpkins
Now that Halloween is near and there will be pumpkins everywhere, we are going to talk about their benefits and properties, seeing that autumn is this vegetable’s season par excellence.
We all know that it has a high fiber content and that it is very diuretic, so it is especially useful in slimming diets. Thanks to its smoothing and protective action on the stomach lining, it is recommended in cases of heartburn, difficult digestions or gastritis, since it calms irritation and stomachache.
It eliminates intestinal worms and tapeworms, and it has laxative, healing, emollient, antiprostatic and hypotensive properties.
It is also a rich and sweet food, providing several health benefits thanks to its high content in vitamin A, B and C, as well as in minerals (cobalt, boron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium).
It is ideal for diabetics, since it regulates blood sugar. And, its diuretic properties help cleanse our body and improve our intestinal problems.
The beta-carotene it contains (the element that provides its orange color) has been proven very important in the prevention of lung, colon, prostate, stomach and uterus cancer.
In terms of its topical use, it can be used as an emollient; it helps eliminate skin roughness, blemishes or freckles, as well as delay the appearance of wrinkles, and it favors the healing of burn injuries.
On top of all that, it has been proven that it reduces the craving for sweets in sugar-addicted people. So, now you know, whether in purée, sponge cakes, in the oven, alone or with other vegetables, we should include this superfood in our diet.
Are you ready for a walk?