The danger of sleeping with your cell phone on the bedside table
In a previous post, we spoke about the new diseases or diseases 2.0, diseases that have begun to appear due to the excessive use of technology. And today we’re bringing you another one: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity. This condition has existed for some time but is now increasing due to the use of Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones.
There are now companies specialised in analysing the levels of natural, artificial and environmental radiation of districts and buildings. This is because our diet, our lifestyle and the place where we live are all equally important.
Some research shows that prolonged exposure to radiation may cause adverse effects to the self-regulation systems of living organisms. Causing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping to headaches.
The bad news is that there is no specific information about this or how to treat excessive exposure to radiation. Wi-Fi is now part of our lives and it is necessary for most of the digital devices that we carry around every day.
But there is still something we can do about it.
Unplugging the router or turning off your mobile phone at night is something that never occurs to us, but it could be a good idea. Don’t leave your mobile phone on your bedside table, avoid placing household appliances on the wall next to the bedroom and don’t charge your phone close to your bed.
Experts in geo-environmental health plan to draw up a decalogue that could offer solutions to combat problems such as fatigue or insomnia, if no other apparent causes have been identified:
1. Avoid establishing your work or leisure places in geophysical alteration zones that affect the natural magnetic fields on the surface and which cause instability and intensive ground radiation.
2. Try not to place electrical appliances, such as radio alarm clocks, halogen lamps with transformers or wireless phones on your bedside table if you have experienced insomnia or headaches for no apparent reason.
3. Try using hands-free devices when you talk on the phone. This way you will be protecting your brain from cell phone radiation.
4. Washing machines, microwave ovens, ovens, boilers and ceramic glass stoves emit radiation that passes through the wall even when the device is turned off. Avoid placing them on the wall next to the bedroom.
5. Check that the cables of your electrical installation does not emit excessive radiation and that the ground connection is working correctly.
6. It is advisable to work with cable technology, but if Wi-Fi is unavoidable, always place radiation sources away from the most commonly used places.
7. When you decorate your house, avoid using basalt or granite, some ceramics and certain types of tile can be a source of radon gas. If these materials are in your home, make sure that the area is well-ventilated.
8. Make sure that there are no telecommunication antenna or mobile phone antenna, high tension lines, electricity lines or transformers close to your home.
9. Avoid using synthetic materials: synthetic carpets, fabrics, etc. and install humidifiers.
10. Closed areas with artificial ventilation and built-in floors or ceilings increase the positive ionization of the air, which makes them ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. Avoid them or try to ensure good ventilation and use ionizers to improve the quality of the atmosphere.
It’s true that there are many things to take into account in an increasingly technological world, but we can start with small everyday items. And who knows, maybe one day we will decide to move to the countryside or to a desert island and we can forget all about Wi-Fi!