pareja corriendo en el momnte

Nos hemos dado cuenta que son muchas las personas que este año se han propuesto ponerse a correr, participar en una carrera, hacer una media maratón o incluso una maratón -esos ya están en otro nivel-. Y no vamos a negar que es una buenísima idea, ya que son muchos los beneficios que aporta este […]

montañas nevadas

Hoy, 11 de diciembre, se celebra el Día Internacional de las Montañas. Y nosotros queremos sumarnos a la celebración con nuestro pequeño homenaje a esos espacios de tranquilidad, de paz, de silencio, de naturaleza, de encontrarse a uno mismo, de grandes gestos y pequeñas grandes historias, de descubrir lo pequeños que somos, que para llegar […]

Evening primrose is an edible plant with many properties, although from the medicinal point of view the most interesting part are the seeds of its flowers, from which, by means of a cold extrusion process, evening primrose oil is extracted. The plant is native to North America and throughout history it has been used by […]

During menopause women are more prone to suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and diabetes. Hence, food plays a very important role in controlling these and other negative symptoms of menopause, such as difficulty sleeping, hot flashes, mood swings and bouts of depression. To make this period easier to bear, there are certain […]

The majority of the waste we generate is plastics and packaging, which are the more polluting. We live in a world where everything we buy at the supermarket is packaged. Lauren Singer, a young woman from New York, realized this and decided it was time for her to stop producing garbage. It may seem contradictory […]

We often hesitate or lack patience thinking it will be hard, but in this post we are going to show you how you can grow your own food at home easier than you may think. More and more people are making the decision to plant their own vegetables, and urban gardens are very trendy now, […]

If we want to think better, the solution is to take a walk. On those days when we have problems and cannot find the answer or don’t know what to do, the best thing is to go out for a walk and get some fresh air. Walking helps clear our minds and think more clearly, […]

Inhotim, in addition to being a botanical garden and cultural and events center, is the largest outdoor museum in the world. A social project whose aim is to promote culture among the groups in the main mining basin in Brazil. The town is called Brumadinho and it is 60 k.m. from the capital of the […]

Find a peaceful spot, hit play, keep reading and let the music do the rest. You are listening to the most relaxing song ever created. The piece was composed by the British trio Marconi Union, three men from Manchester with an amazing talent at developing musical atmospheres with synthesizers. The song is called Weightless, and […]

It may seem obvious, but living in a good neighborhood makes our health improve. And we are not talking about avoiding dangerous neighborhoods. The mere fact of living in a place with pedestrian areas where neighbors greet you when they run into you on the street already makes our lives healthier. The Lancet magazine published […]