Tuesday July 6th, 2021

Walking helps you think

If we want to think better, the solution is to take a walk. On those days when we have problems and cannot find the answer or don’t know what to do, the best thing is to go out for a walk and get some fresh air. Walking helps clear our minds and think more clearly, although you’ll find there are many more benefits in this excellent practice.

Walking increases blood flow to the muscles, increasing our heart rate, and oxygenates our brain, fostering new brain connections. It also improves our moods, making us feel happier and more active. Well-known scientists, philosophers and writers tended to walk every day as creative discipline: the poet Wallace Stevens was inspired while taking long strolls.

Of course, walking in nature is not the same as walking in an urban environment. However, if you are in your room or at the office, just getting up from your chair and moving around, walking down the hallway or up a couple flights of stairs will help you think better. The brain reacts differently in every environment but, whatever the case, walking is the best aid for improving your inspiration and creativity.

We live in a world that moves at an accelerated speed, stress, new technologies, work, traffic, family and kids… all mean that we spend all day running around, without down time just for ourselves when we can clarify our ideas and priorities. Experts recommend establishing times when we can be alone and making a daily walk part of our routine.

They advise walking for at least 30 minutes a day, either first thing in the morning, or at the end of the day. Now that warm weather is almost here, we should above all avoid being out when the sun is strongest and, instead, take advantage of the cooler times.

Are you ready for a walk?