We bet the first thing you think of when we mention swimming pools is not exercise. However, despite the obvious summertime connotations of chilling out, vacations and relaxation, the swimming pool can be the best place to burn calories. Although many gyms offer classes like aqua fitness and aquagym, you can include it in your […]

Hot temperatures may leave us feeling too lazy to cook. We avoid hot dishes at all costs and end up making the same old salad as always. The key is to keep hydrated, avoid eating carbohydrates after midday and replace fried snacks with fruits amd nuts. Fortunately, there are many foods that are friends of […]

With the summer, exposure to the sun, swimming pools and, sometimes, a poor diet, our skin suffers. Dehydration, peeling, redness… there may be many different reasons, but the remedy is always the same: pamper our skin so it doesn’t suffer. Today we’ll talk to you about the benefits aloe vera and calendula have for repairing […]

No-one can escape from summer any longer. Either you have a swimming pool nearby or live on the ocean, or have the world’s best air conditioner, or you die trying to cool down. Temperatures are on the rise and our bodies are crying out for more hydration. Which is why we are going to suggest […]

Hace poco os hablamos de la importancia de cuidar nuestros ojos del sol, la playa o el cloro de las piscinas en verano, que cada año suman más casos de dolencias oculares. Y para ayudar a mantener nuestros ojos sanos debemos tener en cuenta que una higiene ocular óptima es tan importante como todas las […]

Vale, a todos nos ocurre, con la ola de calor que estamos pasando el apetito se esfuma y cuando llega la hora de hacer la comida o sentarnos en la mesa no nos apetece nada. Además, en estos días lo que menos entra son comidas pesadas o muy calientes porque además, esto ayuda a que nuestro […]

Summer months are full of myths we’ve always heard and -even though we don’t know where they come from-they seem to be difficult for us to let go of. Who are we to tell a parent otherwise, who wants to ensure their child doesn’t get cramps if he goes into the water within an hour […]

El agua es vital para nuestro cuerpo

Incolora, inodora e insípida. Así ha sido definida tradicionalmente el agua por la ciencia. Y, claro, con una presentación tan poco glamourosa alguno podría llevarse a equívocos y menospreciarla. Al fin y al cabo, es la bebida que más consumimos de todas las habidas y por haber -aproximadamente 80.000 litros a lo largo de nuestra […]