Vivimos un momento en el que los vegetarianos y veganos se están haciendo escuchar más que nunca y esto es algo que nos encanta por muchas cosas. Cada persona tiene la libertad de decidir lo que quiere comer y lo que no, lo que defiende, sus ideas y el por qué de sus actos. Y […]

Hot temperatures may leave us feeling too lazy to cook. We avoid hot dishes at all costs and end up making the same old salad as always. The key is to keep hydrated, avoid eating carbohydrates after midday and replace fried snacks with fruits amd nuts. Fortunately, there are many foods that are friends of […]

No-one can escape from summer any longer. Either you have a swimming pool nearby or live on the ocean, or have the world’s best air conditioner, or you die trying to cool down. Temperatures are on the rise and our bodies are crying out for more hydration. Which is why we are going to suggest […]

These days, many people have joined the trend of making detox shakes. But do we really know why they are so good? This trend aims to clean the body, purifying it each day by consuming shakes and juices based both on vegetables and fruits. Although one of the main problems is the belief that these […]