plato combinado con carne y embutido

“Hay que cuidar el colesterol…” “¡No comas de esto, que te sube el colesterol!” ¿Quién no ha escuchado una frase similar alguna vez en su vida? Y es que poca broma con el colesterol ya que, junto al tabaco, representa la causa principal de la mayoría de infartos y enfermedades cardiovasculares. Asimismo, como nos cuenta […]

You’re working and suddenly you feel awfully sleepy, but you mustn’t sleep, you need to stay alert and perform. The solution? You have a coffee. Great, problem solved. But, did you know that coffee actually has the opposite effect on some people? A study by the University of Columbia has revealed that neither coffee nor […]

Drinking tea has become widespread in recent years, most notably in infusions, and even replacing coffee consumption in some cases. The reasons? Maybe because of trends, maybe because of all of their benefits. Specialists state that tea has clear antioxidant power, so it is recommended in sports medicine to prevent cancer and in anti-aging therapies. […]

Although there are choices in our lives that may seem fortuitous and straightforward, even the type of coffee we drink may pinpoint certain traits of our personality. This conclusion was reached by Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist who researches how what we eat influences who we are, and how if we change our attitude towards […]