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It seems as though we spend the entire year gearing ourselves up so that when Christmas arrives we can eat whatever we want. And then we stuff ourselves at feasts, eat Christmas sweets, drink alcohol… And everything we had achieved, is wasted. In addition, the cold temperatures and shorter days make us become more sedentary […]

If you’ve left it too late and you still don’t know what to cook for Christmas, we’ve got two ideas for you that are both healthy and tasty. After all, just because it’s the festive season, doesn’t mean we have to overeat and gorge on sweets. The most important thing is: Include fruit and vegetables […]

Like kids going back to school, the Christmas holidays come to an end, the new year starts and our first resolution is always to recover our figures, lose that bit of extra weight we have put on, and sign up for the gym again. But all these resolutions are often nothing more than hot air, […]

Te presentamos la otra cesta de la Navidad.  Nos apetecía un montón celebrar contigo esta primera Navidad juntos en El Blog de El Naturalista. Llevamos algo así como medio año compartiendo consejos, solucionando dudas (o intentándolo al menos) y tratando de acercarte nuestra forma de entender la vida, la medicina y la fitoterapia. Así que […]