Eliminate those holiday season excesses… completely naturally
Like kids going back to school, the Christmas holidays come to an end, the new year starts and our first resolution is always to recover our figures, lose that bit of extra weight we have put on, and sign up for the gym again.
But all these resolutions are often nothing more than hot air, and we usually end up doing only about half of them. So, all of us at El Naturalista are going to help you to achieve, at least your first resolution, to eliminate Christmas excesses, all those desserts, chocolates, alcohol and other hearty meals, naturally and easily.
Chitosan is one of our natural products that is sold in capsules and helps naturally reduce the amount of fat our bodies absorb. It assists with elimination and helps correct food consumption, since it is a sea fiber compound that traps fats. It also contains vitamin C, which maximizes this effect.
Citrus (in capsules) and now citrus complex (in capsules) are two El Naturalista natural compounds based on an extract from bitter orange rinds. A dietary supplement that contributes to losing that extra weight we put on during the Christmas holidays, due to the thermogenic effect that helps eliminate fats and burn energy.
Moreover, to assist with eliminating excesses, herbal teas are a good complement that we can include in our healthy lifestyle habits. Green tea is a natural plant that, when drank as a tea several times a day, contributes to elimination, as it is an antioxidant and diuretic.
And for the evenings, an infusion of horsetail before turning in will help us eliminate liquid, as it is also a diuretic plant and does not contain theine.
And, let’s all start out 2016 on the right foot!