When we decide to start eating well, there are some foods that come to mind immediately: vegetables, light foods and drinks, vegetable snacks… But are they all equally healthy? And the big question: can we eat them any way we want? The most important thing to remember when we start watching our diets is that […]

No-one can escape from summer any longer. Either you have a swimming pool nearby or live on the ocean, or have the world’s best air conditioner, or you die trying to cool down. Temperatures are on the rise and our bodies are crying out for more hydration. Which is why we are going to suggest […]

The good weather is starting and we eagerly await summer so we can sunbathe and show off our body beautiful at the beach or at the pool. But with this also comes the rush to offload what we have been hiding under our long pants all winter. Whether it is because we work sitting down […]

La sandía es una de las mejores frutas de verano para refrescarnos e hidratarnos, pero además de estar riquísima, tiene muchas más propiedades beneficiosas para nuestro cuerpo y nuestro organismo. En este post os vamos a dar unas cuantas razones para decirle sí a la sandía y prometerle amor eterno, por lo menos para este […]

plato combinado con carne y embutido

“Hay que cuidar el colesterol…” “¡No comas de esto, que te sube el colesterol!” ¿Quién no ha escuchado una frase similar alguna vez en su vida? Y es que poca broma con el colesterol ya que, junto al tabaco, representa la causa principal de la mayoría de infartos y enfermedades cardiovasculares. Asimismo, como nos cuenta […]