Doctors’ prescriptions should be for treatments like Shirin-Yoku, a Japanese technique that consists of letting nature pervade our five senses. Yes, something as simple as walking in a forest can be the best medicine for many of our woes. The thing is, with karoshi on the rise in Japan (death from overworking), more and more […]

Many people suffer from anxiety today and we may sometimes confuse an anxiety attack for a panic attack. In reality, the latter are much more common than they seem and we should know how to identify them. The main difference is that panic attacks usually end once the situation has been overcome that caused it; […]

El estrés. El enemigo invisible

Piensa. Sales de casa por la mañana para ir a trabajar y coges el metro, el tren o el autobús. Te fijas en la gente que te rodea y entonces lo ves. Lo notas. El estrés. En sus caras, en sus gestos, en sus comentarios. El estrés. Consultan impacientes la hora en su reloj, envían […]