The difference between panic attacks and anxiety
Many people suffer from anxiety today and we may sometimes confuse an anxiety attack for a panic attack. In reality, the latter are much more common than they seem and we should know how to identify them.
The main difference is that panic attacks usually end once the situation has been overcome that caused it; and anxiety continues over time, even if we aren’t constantly aware of it.
Fear and anxiety are common feelings and everyone has felt them occasionally, perhaps just because of walking down an empty, dark street, or at work, or fear of the unknown. It would actually be a problem if we never felt anxiety, which would mean that our body was not responding well to situations in which it should be alert, because this is the purpose of anxiety: to make us more alert at times when we could be hurt or attacked.
If the feeling goes away after the situation has ended that made us anxious, this means it is a panic attack. But they often drag on over time and even get worse, which may indicate an anxiety disorder.
If we suffer from anxiety, experts recommend trying to not simply take drugs although, depending on each case, pills may help us relax and feel calmer.
The most important thing is to breath deeply. If we can control our breathing, we will control the anxiety. And evaluate what is causing the anxiety and try to confront the issue.
They also recommend telling the people around us what is happening to us, as talking to friends and family can help.
And, of course, there are natural aids such as Tranquinatur and Tranquitisana, that help us relax without damaging our bodies.