No-one can escape from summer any longer. Either you have a swimming pool nearby or live on the ocean, or have the world’s best air conditioner, or you die trying to cool down. Temperatures are on the rise and our bodies are crying out for more hydration. Which is why we are going to suggest […]

With the summer, exposure to the sun, swimming pools and, sometimes, a poor diet, our skin suffers. Dehydration, peeling, redness… there may be many different reasons, but the remedy is always the same: pamper our skin so it doesn’t suffer. Today we’ll talk to you about the benefits aloe vera and calendula have for repairing […]

Antioxidants are essential for maintaining good cellular health and keeping us young, since they insulate cells from the damages caused by free radicals and the passage of time. Which is why it is advisable to include certain vitamins and minerals in our diets. Vitamins are one of the most well-known antioxidants, specifically vitamin C, which […]

El acné es un problema por el que pasamos muchos de nosotros en la época de la pubertad y que tantos dolores de cabeza nos ha dado. Ahora, nuestros hijos pasan por lo mismo. Se trata de una enfermedad crónica inflamatoria de la piel que involucra las unidades polisebáceas y que está extendida por todo […]

mesa con estudiantes

No time, stress, nervousness… Final exams are a tough period, and it is hard to get the sleep and food you need. Whether you are a student or have important job challenges ahead of you, we have a few food recommendations that will help you perform better. Avocado: this fruit has so many benefits that […]

Digestive problems are very frequent in our society due to a slew of factors, including our diets and nervous system disorders. The modern lifestyle and personal habits lead us to eat quickly and to eat a higher number of fatty foods that simply do not help us digest our food well. At other times, people […]

Doctors’ prescriptions should be for treatments like Shirin-Yoku, a Japanese technique that consists of letting nature pervade our five senses. Yes, something as simple as walking in a forest can be the best medicine for many of our woes. The thing is, with karoshi on the rise in Japan (death from overworking), more and more […]

We discuss toxins as if they were nothing, as if they were something normal that we really don’t have to worry much about… and it may seem like that. But the reality is that toxins, as the name itself indicates, are poisonous substances –toxic– produced by living cells or organisms. They can be small molecules, […]