Dopamine is one of the major neurotransmitters in our nervous system. It is essential for perceiving and processing emotions and feelings related to well-being, motivation and attention. And it seems that nowadays we are all searching for it desperately to help us cope with the overabundance of information, our endless work hours and our busy […]

Yesterday was International Day of Happiness, and we thought this would be the perfect time to review the foods that help improve our state of mind. Being in a good mood actually makes absolutely everything in our body work better: it favors our capacity to think and to learn and our creativity, and stimulates optimism […]

Estamos felices. Nos sentimos diferentes pero como nunca. Estupendas. Y aunque hemos esperado durante nueve meses, ahora ya está aquí. Ya somos mamás. Es normal que ahora todos los detalles sean para el bebé, todas las preocupaciones y atenciones estén dirigidas a él. Pero no te olvides, tú también tienes que cuidarte y darte tiempo. […]

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The changing seasons and the arrival of the cold makes us more sad and apathetic. The climate has a significant influence on our mood and, just as we feel happier when the good weather comes along, fog, rain and all the signs of winter give our body and our mind the blues. We all know […]

It may seem obvious, but living in a good neighborhood makes our health improve. And we are not talking about avoiding dangerous neighborhoods. The mere fact of living in a place with pedestrian areas where neighbors greet you when they run into you on the street already makes our lives healthier. The Lancet magazine published […]

Doctors’ prescriptions should be for treatments like Shirin-Yoku, a Japanese technique that consists of letting nature pervade our five senses. Yes, something as simple as walking in a forest can be the best medicine for many of our woes. The thing is, with karoshi on the rise in Japan (death from overworking), more and more […]