Cuando hablamos de llevar una alimentación saludable, pensamos en comidas y productos sanos, reducir nuestras cantidades de alimento y todo lo que viene detrás. Los copos de avena son cereales ricos en hidratos de carbono, con un alto contenido en fibra, rico en proteínas, grasas insaturadas y vitamina B. Unos cereales que nos sirven como complemento […]

Federal agencies have been carrying out extensive studies that conclude that climate change will have harmful effects on public health. So far, this study concerns US citizens, but the rest of us will soon be affected too. The results of the study suggest that by summer 2030, in the USA there may be around 11,000 […]

Cholesterol is a fatty substance needed to produce estrogen, vitamin D and other vital components. It is found in some foods, but is also produced by the liver. There are two types of cholesterol: – The bad one, LDL or low-density lipoprotein, which is deposited on the walls of the arteries and can cause cardiovascular […]