Ibuprofen and paracetamol: what are they, how do they work, what are their effects?
Nowadays, the consumption of Ibuprofen and paracetamol has become so widespread that we use them when we have the slightest of headaches. The problem is that we do not really know what they are and how they work in our organism.
This is why in today’s post we are going to tell you a bit more about these drugs and present some natural replacements that can help you stop using them excessively.
Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is frequently used for headaches, toothaches, muscular pain or myalgia, menstruation pain, mild neurological pain and post-surgical pain. It is also used to treat inflammation symptoms, such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis.
It seems like the solution to all our problems, right? Well, if consumed excessively, the risk of suffering heart problems and damage to the small intestine increases threefold. For this reason, it is recommended that we do not take it so casually, especially if the patient has a family history of cardiovascular diseases or presents other risk factors, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.
OK, so we stop using Ibuprofen and take paracetamol. Well, no.
Paracetamol is a drug with painkilling properties, but without significant clinical anti-inflammatory properties.
And, it has side effects. For example, it can cause liver damage if consumed in doses higher than those recommended; and if taken in very high doses or together with alcoholic drinks, it can be potentially fatal, due to the possible liver damage.
Therefore, we recommend that you do not abuse it and that, whenever possible, you try to relieve the symptoms with natural painkillers, such as:
Ginger: for headaches and/or migraines. In addition, it can also help fight against the nausea that this pain involves.
Willow bark: a natural painkiller that has salicin, which is the same substance that aspirins and other drugs have to soothe pain. The best thing in this case is to make an infusion from a small portion of willow bark in boiling water, drinking it every eight hours.
Lavender: commonly used in tension headaches due to its calming effect.
Peppermint oil: good for gentle massages in aching areas due to its sedative action.
Poppy, chamomile, lemon balm, passion flower, lime blossom and valerian: they have an antispasmodic and sedative effect, so they are used when pain is accompanied by spasms.
Garlic: its content in selenium and germanium relieves earache, since these elements have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and they are also a sort of toxin for bacteria and fungi. It can also be used for relieving pain suffered in joints from arthritis.
Pineapple: it can be the cure for stomachaches, as it contains an enzyme that helps break down the proteins that cause stomachaches and pain in the intestines.
Cranberries: the ideal anti-inflammatory. It has plenty of antioxidants that eliminate free radicals, which are responsible for the inflammation of the gastric lining. Free radicals cause ulcers, urinary infections or digestive distress, among other illnesses. In addition, cranberries are excellent to cleanse the blood, reduce inflammation and fluid retention, and it helps diabetes patients reduce their sugar levels.