How to survive a time change
On the 29th, the time will change from 03:00am to 02:00am. We will sleep one more hour, but we will be more prone to suffering depression.
Living beings follow a circadian rhythm that establishes in humans 8 hours of sleep and 16 of vigil in a full day. Our biological clock tells us when we should sleep and when we should be awake.
When the day shortens, the brain registers it in the hypothalamus, and a change in the levels of melatonin and serotonin hormones occurs, influencing the circadian rhythm.
These hormones regulate the sleep-wake cycles, the energy we have for our daily activity and our mood, so if the production levels of these hormones drop, everything they regulate do too.
This is the reason why after a time change mild depressions appear until the body gets used to the new timetable. The symptoms of this mild depression are:
1. Sadness, feeling weak and low self-esteem
2. Further sensitivity to criticism and irritability
3. Sensation of dissatisfaction and blame
4. Loss of interest
5. Increased appetite for carbohydrates and sweets
6. Tiredness and fatigue
7. Less social activity
To cope with these symptoms, the first step is to remember that it is something temporary and natural; this way, we will minimize their importance by adopting a positive attitude towards them.
Although, if you find it hard, natural dietary supplements that contain vitamin C and ginseng can help. In addition, we should take as much sun as possible, with the aim of recharging our energy levels.
We also recommend postponing our sleep the night that the time change takes place. If we go to sleep one hour later than we would usually do, we will end up sleeping the same hours and the body will experience it as something natural.
Another important aspect is routine. Getting your body used to a specific timetable will help regulate your rhythm. Having a light and early dinner, at least two hours before going to bed will also help you fall asleep.
Are you ready?