These days, many people have joined the trend of making detox shakes. But do we really know why they are so good? This trend aims to clean the body, purifying it each day by consuming shakes and juices based both on vegetables and fruits. Although one of the main problems is the belief that these […]

Pero cuídala bien. Con tanto resfriado, mocos, congestión, calefacción y cambio de temperatura, nuestra garganta acaba pasándonos factura. Normal. Entonces es cuando decidimos hacer algo. Ahora que nos duele la garganta, nos pica o hemos perdido la voz. Y todavía hay gente – no toda- que no conoce las bufandas y pañuelos, y es una […]

Mint is a plant commonly used to add flavor and cook certain dishes. It is also used for preparing cocktails and some medicinal drinks. One of the most important properties of mint is that it has antispasmodic and carminative effects, helping fight digestive problems, especially indigestion, flatulence and stomachaches or stomach cramps. In addition, this […]

It seems as though we spend the entire year gearing ourselves up so that when Christmas arrives we can eat whatever we want. And then we stuff ourselves at feasts, eat Christmas sweets, drink alcohol… And everything we had achieved, is wasted. In addition, the cold temperatures and shorter days make us become more sedentary […]

Dopamine is one of the major neurotransmitters in our nervous system. It is essential for perceiving and processing emotions and feelings related to well-being, motivation and attention. And it seems that nowadays we are all searching for it desperately to help us cope with the overabundance of information, our endless work hours and our busy […]

You’re working and suddenly you feel awfully sleepy, but you mustn’t sleep, you need to stay alert and perform. The solution? You have a coffee. Great, problem solved. But, did you know that coffee actually has the opposite effect on some people? A study by the University of Columbia has revealed that neither coffee nor […]

Ah yes, the famous grey. But no, we’re not talking about just that. Like our skin, our hair ages over time. Dyes, hormonal changes, stress, chemicals, exposure to the sun, hairdryers, straighteners… All of these factors, after 40, make our hair weaker and lose its elasticity and shine. This is why we always recommend using […]

Skin stains are changes in pigmentation and can be due to many different causes. They can present as moles, freckles or age stains and exposure to the sun may also make them worse. So today we’re bringing you three natural remedies to help you reduce or eliminate those skin stains that aesthetically can be somewhat […]