For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, common or stinging nettle is a plant that usually grows on the side of roads, in humid soil that is rich in organic waste. Stinging nettle is one of the best diuretics that nature can offer us. But its properties provide many other health benefits. This […]

Leyendo esta noticia de El País, resulta que los americanos dicen haber descubierto lo que llaman la “turbosiesta”, que no viene a ser otra cosa que la cabezadita de después de comer que muchos echamos y que no dura más de 15 minutillos. Y nos sueltan, a nosotros, que ellos lo han descubierto. Y se […]

Like kids going back to school, the Christmas holidays come to an end, the new year starts and our first resolution is always to recover our figures, lose that bit of extra weight we have put on, and sign up for the gym again. But all these resolutions are often nothing more than hot air, […]

Además de una expresión, también puede ser una buena forma de empezar el día. Una idea que al principio -y al final- no parece muy apetecible, pero que es el mejor estímulo para nuestro metabolismo. Son numerosos expertos los que recomiendan esta práctica, que puede necesitar un periodo de adaptación, sobre todo en invierno, pero […]

How many times have we used this saying without understanding what it really involves. It is absolutely true that our limbs are the first to get cold, because our body self-regulates, ensuring that our vital organs always maintain an optimal temperature so they function well. We could even say that thanks to the fact that […]

These days, many people have joined the trend of making detox shakes. But do we really know why they are so good? This trend aims to clean the body, purifying it each day by consuming shakes and juices based both on vegetables and fruits. Although one of the main problems is the belief that these […]