¿Sabías que aproximadamente el 40% de la población mundial tiene niveles bajos de vitamina D? Este dato no es casualidad, y hoy queremos explicarte por qué deberías prestar atención a este nutriente tan especial. 🌞 Más allá del sol Aunque la llamamos “la vitamina del sol”, la vitamina D es en realidad una hormona que […]

There’s no real middle ground when it comes to breakfast. You either love it and eat more than you do at lunch, or you’re good for the day with just a cup of coffee. But one thing is clear- when they say it’s the most important meal of the day, they’re right. And even if […]

It seems as though we spend the entire year gearing ourselves up so that when Christmas arrives we can eat whatever we want. And then we stuff ourselves at feasts, eat Christmas sweets, drink alcohol… And everything we had achieved, is wasted. In addition, the cold temperatures and shorter days make us become more sedentary […]

Dopamine is one of the major neurotransmitters in our nervous system. It is essential for perceiving and processing emotions and feelings related to well-being, motivation and attention. And it seems that nowadays we are all searching for it desperately to help us cope with the overabundance of information, our endless work hours and our busy […]