This is important, because otherwise the consequences could be serious. If you are one of those nocturnal beings that thinks that with 5 hours of sleep per night you will be fine, stop for a moment. You might be able to do it, but it is not healthy. Work that drags on until the early […]

In a previous post, we spoke about the new diseases or diseases 2.0, diseases that have begun to appear due to the excessive use of technology. And today we’re bringing you another one: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity. This condition has existed for some time but is now increasing due to the use of Wi-Fi routers and mobile […]

¿Cuántas veces nos despertamos con la sensación de no haber descansado? Es cierto que existe una relación muy estrecha entre los dos términos, pero no siempre una significa lo mismo que la otra. Dormir es una necesidad fisiológica del cuerpo. Cuando hemos tenido una jornada dura y agotadora el cuerpo nos pide horas de sueño. […]