We are so used to people telling us that we should avoid bad times that we sometimes forgot to cry. And it is actually good, very good, to cry. Our body produces more than 100 liters of tears a year, which has numerous benefits for human beings. It releases toxins Crying cleans our body, with […]

On the 29th, the time will change from 03:00am to 02:00am. We will sleep one more hour, but we will be more prone to suffering depression. Living beings follow a circadian rhythm that establishes in humans 8 hours of sleep and 16 of vigil in a full day. Our biological clock tells us when we […]

El estrés. El enemigo invisible

Piensa. Sales de casa por la mañana para ir a trabajar y coges el metro, el tren o el autobús. Te fijas en la gente que te rodea y entonces lo ves. Lo notas. El estrés. En sus caras, en sus gestos, en sus comentarios. El estrés. Consultan impacientes la hora en su reloj, envían […]