Después del calor del verano, llega el Otoño. O no. Porque viendo como está últimamente el tiempo, ya no sabes ni en qué época del año te encuentras. Hoy frío y mañana calor. Unas temperaturas que nos llevan a todos de cabeza. El otoño es la estación de tránsito entre el verano y el invierno. […]

desayuno sano

Algunos lo hacen porque se levantan ya con prisas, otros porque prefieren dedicar ese ratito a dormir un poco más, otros porque piensan que es una buena opción para perder un poco de peso, la cuestión es que hay mucha gente que decide comenzar el día saltándose el desayuno o tomando cualquier cosa. Y eso, […]

The majority of the waste we generate is plastics and packaging, which are the more polluting. We live in a world where everything we buy at the supermarket is packaged. Lauren Singer, a young woman from New York, realized this and decided it was time for her to stop producing garbage. It may seem contradictory […]

More than one celebrity has signed up for this famous diet that they assure has numerous benefits. So we’ve decided to delve into its methodology a bit deeper and tell you what we will be up against if we decide to do this diet. First things first, the foundation of what could be called a […]

It may seem obvious, but living in a good neighborhood makes our health improve. And we are not talking about avoiding dangerous neighborhoods. The mere fact of living in a place with pedestrian areas where neighbors greet you when they run into you on the street already makes our lives healthier. The Lancet magazine published […]

There are more and more people who, while they are not coeliacs, have a gluten intolerance. You may not have detected it yet because you have not had the proper tests, but you may be gradually damaging your body and causing health problems which you would rarely associate with gluten. Gluten is present in some […]

Doctors’ prescriptions should be for treatments like Shirin-Yoku, a Japanese technique that consists of letting nature pervade our five senses. Yes, something as simple as walking in a forest can be the best medicine for many of our woes. The thing is, with karoshi on the rise in Japan (death from overworking), more and more […]

Springtime started on Monday and, along with the good weather, sun and increasingly longer days, asthenia is also on its way. Although some people believe asthenia is a disease, doctors ensure us that this is not so, and instead is simply the way our bodies adapt to the change of season and more daylight and […]

You’re working and suddenly you feel awfully sleepy, but you mustn’t sleep, you need to stay alert and perform. The solution? You have a coffee. Great, problem solved. But, did you know that coffee actually has the opposite effect on some people? A study by the University of Columbia has revealed that neither coffee nor […]

La uva es una de las frutas por excelencia cuando empieza el frío y sobre todo cuando empieza la época de las fiestas navideñas. En nuestro país, se ha convertido en la fruta por excelencia, ya que es la protagonista de la noche más esperada del año. Pero hablamos de una fruta con un sabor […]